UP CM Yogi Adityanath said that on Tuesday, the first day of the Amrit Snan, over 3.50 crore devotees and seers took a dip in ...
The first Amrit Snan of the Mahakumbh 2025 has been successfully completed. Here's a guide to the next important Amrit Snan ...
On Makar Sankranti, the first 'Amrit Snan' of the Maha Kumbh was held at the sacred Triveni Sangam, with an estimated 3.5 ...
Chief minister Yogi Adityanath congratulates devotees who took the first ‘Amrit Snan’ and calls the snan the living form of ...
What is amrit snan or shahi snan, and why was the first one today? What is the significance of Makar Sankranti? What are the ...
Live: Naga Sadhus blessed millions of devotees, who even collected sand from the path that they walked on after their ‘Amrit ...
On day two of the Maha Kumbh Mela, the Akharas took 'Amrit Snan' on Tuesday (January 14) on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.
Seers and Naga Sadhu joined the procession to take the first Amrit Snan, also referred to as Shahi Snani, on Makar Sankranti, ...
Over two crore devotees have taken the holy dip in Triveni Sangam on Makar Sankranti. PM Modi took to his social media ...
The first 'Amrit Snan' of the Maha Kumbh is being held today, where Naga Sadhus are given the privilege of bathing first. Let ...