When Star Trek: Starfleet Academy debuts, it will be unlike any previous Trek series ever. Then again, according to a new ...
Voyager is a mixed bag of weird ideas and big action, and the kind of finale that feels both exhilarating and disappointing.
We likely still have quite a while before anyone will be streaming Starfleet Academy with a Paramount+ subscription, so it's ...
It's difficult to imagine anyone else playing Geordi La Forge other than LeVar Burton on Star Trek, but the role almost went ...
Bleeding Cool scooped the news about a new IDW comic book series Star Trek: Red Shirts #1 written by Christopher Cantwell in ...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed how Kate Mulgrew's Star Trek: Voyager character served as a significant inspiration for her ...
The Horta were an illustration that there are plenty of life forms in the Star Trek universe that are not remotely humanoid.
Strange New Worlds premiered, it was clear something special was happening. Fans and critics alike embraced it, and ...
Star Trek universe has introduced the trekkies to several species and entities through their space adventures. One such species is Talosians.
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry had written a proposed big screen version of the TV show titled The God Thing, which would ...
In Star Trek lore, few symbols are as iconic as the Starfleet insignia—a delta-shaped emblem that has come to represent the ...
NOVI, MI - A captain from the Star Trek universe is coming to Michigan for a weekend this spring. Anson Mount, who plays ...