Amitabh Bachchan recently sold his Oshiwara apartment for Rs 83 crore, making a profit of 168 percent. The flat was ...
Himani Bundela was the show's first visually impaired crorepati, who won a cash prize of Rs 1 crore. After her win, she used ...
Netizens claimed that Aishwarya Rai left Vivek Oberoi before marrying Abhishek Bachchan after her video went viral. Check ...
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was once visibly uncomfortable while her ex-boyfriend Vivek Oberoi was hosting an award show.
Amitabh Bachchan also known as Big B and the ‘Shahenshah’ of Bollywood was born in Allahabad, UP. He was born to Teji Bachchan, a social activist and Harivansh Rai Bachchan, a poet.