It is true that town life was abandoned. However, the skill of Anglo-Saxon art, metal-work and manuscripts does not suggest a ‘dark age’ at all. Archaeology is revealing new treasures ...
many centuries before some Anglo-Saxons fought as bodyguards in the Byzantine Varangian Guard. "Those who returned brought back with them metalwork and other items which were current, and ...
An unusual piece of Anglo-Saxon jewelry — a plagiarized pendant rife with typos — that was discovered by a metal detectorist has now been declared treasure in the U.K. The pendant imitates a ...
silver objects cut up for scrap metal, dumps of weapons, even a magnificent silver dinner service—all from British, Roman, or Viking times—have been found in the soil. In the Anglo-Saxon epic ...
I would take a step back if I were you. The Anglo-Saxons loved making things from wood. And they made intricate jewellery and metalwork. We still see their influence today, with words like ...