Flavor Flav is at it again ... “That’s the first one out the box, baby! That one did it. I’m just most proud of still being able to be here talking about what we’re talking about right ...
Flavor Flav remembers one of the wildest moments in reality TV history like it was yesterday. The former Public Enemy rapper — who topped our list of the best reality stars of the 2000s — is ...
Flavor Flav says it was a thrill to be on "The Masked Singer" ... but, he thinks the show's producers gave him up too early -- and, he had at least one song he really wanted to do. We caught up ...
As for Flav, VH1 handed him another series, Flavor of Love, a Bachelor-like show ... seismic activity (“it hit the Richter scale, baby!”). “I go in hard for Taylor — and that's because ...
Flavor Flav remembers one of the wildest moments in reality TV history like it was yesterday. "Oh my God. Man, let me tell you something, man, that was one of the most craziest episodes," the Flavor ...