Grange Hill's creator has slammed TV bosses, saying they should take more chances with their storylines, amid rumours that the BBC show could return. Sir Phil Redmond made the iconic show plus ...
Grange Hill was a series that aired on the BBC from 1978 to 2008 and storied life in a London comprehensive school. It was known for its gritty social realism, exploring racism as well as drug ...
Actress Gwyneth Powell, who played head teacher Mrs McClusky in teen soap opera Grange Hill, has died aged 76. The Manchester-born actress loomed over the series for 10 years from 1981 ...
Soap supremo Sir Phil Redmond says that “courage has gone out of broadcasting” in recent years, and suggested that TV watchdog rules should be broken more often. TV writer Sir Phil, who ...
“Coronation Street was fluffy and lovely and warm and cosy, and then along came Grange Hill, (about) the anxiety as you go through growing up, there it was in the raw.” The series, about life ...