At the Consumer Electronics Show, Verizon Wireless and Motorola announced the much-anticipated DROID 4, the fourth installment of Verizon’s original flagship device. The DROID 4 comes in at only ...
We just swung by the Motorola booth to check out the Motorola DROID 4, a handset that had been the subject of a half-dozen rumors before the show. The DROID 4 packs a solid 5-row keyboard that was ...
Detailed features and specs for the Motorola Droid 4 for Verizon. Plus discussion forum and photos This update to the Droid 3 add 4G LTE data, while shaving off some weight and thickness.
We are coming up on the 10th anniversary of the original Motorola Droid, which was a very iconic phone. It launched Android into relevancy. I'm gonna use the Droid for one week to see if it's even ...
Sprint Sept. 2012 $199 Motorola Droid 4 The long-lived Droid line gets better with every revision, and the Droid 4 is the first of the QWERTY Motorola Droids to have 4G LTE on Verizon Wireless' ...