The roads of Kolkata witnessed a political showdown on Friday night, when West Bengal minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Ganguly clashed with each other on the road. As per the details, the ...
KOLKATA: Vidyasagar Setu on Friday night was the scene of a heated exchange between state's IT minister Babul Supriyo and BJP's Tamluk MP Abhijit Ganguly, leading to a 20-minute-long traffic snarl.
Kolkata's iconic Second Hooghly Bridge witnessed a political drama on Friday night when Bengal minister Babul Supriyo and BJP MP Abhijit Ganguly got embroiled in an altercation. The incident ...
BJP MPs Nishikant Dubey and Abhijit Ganguly reportedly locked horns with Banerjee and Gogoi over the proposal to include ...