Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recently found himself in a terrifying situation when he was brutally attacked by a Burgler in his Bandra home. Amid the chaos, an auto driver drove him to the hospital ...
Chris Pine is reportedly in the running for the lead role in director Patty Jenkins ’ . The duo previously worked together on Wonder Woman and its sequel, and it would be interesting to see Pine jump ...
Twilight` fame Robert Pattinson collaborated with Parasite filmmaker Bong Joon-Ho for the upcoming film Mickey 17. While the ...
Hollywood star Robert Pattinson recently admitted that he still gets trolled for portraying the vampire Edward Cullen in Twilight.
Now that Robert Pattinson came out of his shell and did some awesome stuff while promoting 'Mickey 17' with the film's director, Bong Joon-ho, everyone's curious if he did try to eat authentic Korean ...