Valibia’s ultimate goal is to defend the “sanctity of higher education.” If selected as a Young Trustee, he intends to foster ...
The website you are visiting is protected and accelerated by Imperva. Your computer may have been infected by malware and ...
Beason considers his role as a father of a three-year-old and 10-month-old as his most informative experience, which he ...
The federal energy regulator alleges the company has sold bogus energy efficiency claims to electric grid operators. But ...
Which company has replaced IBM as the largest employer in Research Triangle Park? And who are the top hirers in Wake, Durham, Orange, Johnston and Chatham?
The federal energy regulator alleges the company has sold bogus energy efficiency claims to electric grid operators. But ...
To systematically end active awards is a departure for NIH, which has terminated grants to Duke, UNC and RTI International.
CBS 17 also asked The PhD Project for details about work with Duke University, but has not heard back regarding those ...
Already, the uncertainty is causing reverberations at Duke's School of Medicine, which receives over three-quarters of the university's NIH funding. Expansion projects are being shelved.