In a year that saw a serious representation of anime across genres across the anime seasons of the year, the comedy and humor-filled projects managed to consistently steal highlights through the ...
While the Seattle Seahawks won't have a playoff spot to earn in their season finale against the Los Angeles Rams as hoped with dominos not falling their way last weekend, coach Mike Macdonald's ...
Seahawks head coach Mike Macdonald greets fans before the game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos at Lumen Field, on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024, in Seattle, Wash. Brian Hayes bhayes@ ...
That’s the M.O. of Alok’s first-ever comedy special Biology!, which dropped online earlier this month after touring it across 36 countries around the world. Written in the wake of their ...
Mike Macdonald called time out. In the huddle near the sideline, Ernest Jones heard his coach’s play call. He couldn’t believe it. Finally! “Oh, we were waiting on it!” Jones, the Seahawks ...
Seahawks coach Mike Macdonald has regularly championed his quarterback after losses, and that was again the case Monday afternoon following a film review of Smith’s performance. As Seattle’s ...
But what I thought was a silly skit involving an actor auditioning for a role in front of a picky casting director devolved into some weird and unfunny attempts at comedy. After asking the actor ...