A highly anticipated anime adaptation of a popular Shone Jump series will be making its way onto Netflix and Crunchyroll.
The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 has just kicked off on Crunchyroll, but you may be able to stream it on Netflix.
Anime, originating in Japan, has long had a complicated relationship to race. In many early anime series, Black characters were almost entirely absent, and when they did appear — even later on in ...
The episodes will be released in North American theaters on March 16! Likely, people in the US and in Canada will be able to watch them. According to GKIDS, the screenings will include exclusive ...
Telus has partnered with anime streaming network Crunchyroll to offer subscriptions directly to its customers. Crunchyroll is ...
This shows how big anime is becoming. According to that same report, the leading platform in terms of revenue is not Crunchyroll, but Netflix, which earned $2.07 billion from anime in 2023.
Originally founded back in 2006 by anime-loving UC Berkeley grad students to later become an entertainment arm of AT&T’s Warner Media, Crunchyroll was acquired by Sony in 2021 and eventually merged ...
Netflix surpassed Crunchyroll in anime revenue in 2023, earning $2.07 billion. Crunchyroll still leads in revenue per subscriber. Crunchyroll may face tough competition if Netflix invests more in ...
If you're entrenched in the anime fandom, it probably feels as though isekai has had a lock on the anime industry for a ...
The Nintendo Switch 2 has the chance to fix these issues with streaming apps like Crunchyroll and Netflix at launch. Recommended Videos As of right now, the bulk of the streaming apps on the ...
Netflix has been expanding its anime collection these last few years, and these are the best series the streamer has to offer ...