KFin Technologies surged 8.64% to Rs 1,200.25 after the company's consolidated net profit jumped 34.9% to Rs 90.18 crore in Q3 FY25 as against 66.83 crore recorded in Q3 FY24.
TRANSCORP Power Plc, a Transcorp Group power business, hit significant milestones in its financial performance for the full year ended 2024, signalling further robust growth in revenue and ...
The ranking of the 100 most sustainable global firms - compiled by Corporate Knights - shows France and Denmark leading the ...
No one in the Pennsylvania Capitol is prepared to say if this is the year the state will legalize marijuana. But that hasn’t stopped supporters from beginning to lay out their visions, with some ...
Nirmal Bang said it sees limited room for a significant cut in income taxes, apart from tweaking the lowest tax slabs.