The fourth movie in the ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ franchise is set to release in theatres on March 19, 2027. Paramount Pictures ...
Fans can secure themselves some Like a Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii Sega account DLC if they sign up to the publisher's new system soon.
Nintendo Switch owners can set themselves for heaps of rewards as this new Sega reward scheme welcomes players to sign up for goodies.
Video game-makers used to make a big deal of their cutting-edge graphics, but they're not the selling point that they used to ...
SEGA announced its Year of the Snake Sale on the PlayStation Store, featuring offers on various popular titles.
Sega has launched a new Sega Account, linking together its games and services. The online profile "gives you access to a host of benefits when playing Sega and Atlus titles and using their online ...
For those who are curious, SEGA does have games published on GOG. These include Alien Isolation, Endless Space, Two Point ...
Sega has launched its own account system akin to the Nintendo Account or Ubisoft Connect that will "maximize" its online ...
The fourth film in the Paramount Pictures franchise has grossed a series-best $422 million in theaters and generated more ...
Paramount has officially revealed a release date for the next Sonic the Hedgehog film, which is coming in March 2027.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is set to hit theaters on March 2027. According to Variety, Paramount has scheduled the next Sonic movie ...