Please complete this survey by Friday, February 14. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and individual responses will remain confidential. Thank you for helping us create a competitive, ...
The Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee today approved Official Plan and zoning amendments to establish land-use policy for siting Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in Ottawa.
Council today directed City staff to seek information on recent amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act and determine the scope for a renovation licence and relocation by-law for Ottawa, commonly ...
Keep your water lines warm. Leave doors open to areas with water lines or your water meter, especially in cooler basements, to allow heat to circulate. Insulate pipes near exterior walls. Wrap foam ...
O-Train Lines 2 and 4 will open on Saturdays starting Saturday, January 25. This expansion of service follows the launch of weekday service on January 6 and demonstrated safe and consistent service on ...
Residents will be able to watch the media availability on the Ottawa City Council YouTube channel. For more information on City programs and services, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) ...
Please contact [email protected] for opening hours and washroom availability.
A lot of materials don’t have to end up in the garbage. They can be reused, recycled or donated to charitable organizations. Check out some common items you may need to dispose of, such as used ...
The City reminds everyone that municipal beaches are now closed for the season, and no longer have lifeguard supervision or water-quality testing. To protect yourself and your family, please do not ...
If a member of council’s seat becomes vacant in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, City Council must declare the seat vacant at its next meeting. However, if a vacancy occurs because of the ...
Le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales a approuvé aujourd’hui des modifications au Plan officiel et au Règlement de zonage pour établir une politique d’utilisation des terres pour ...
Veuillez répondre à notre sondage d’ici le vendredi 14 février. Il faut moins de 10 minutes pour le remplir et les réponses individuelles resteront confidentielles. Merci de nous aider à créer un ...