The Kid's Clothes in Purple Rain??? Okay, so in Purple Rain The Kid is supposed to be this hungry, struggling musician but somehow he has this KILLER warbrobe of couture, tailor-made clothing? And don ...
I mean the verse is 100% Sign O the Times. I can’t imagine Prince approving if still alive. Yes, probably. But prince also "borrowed" music from other artists without giving them credit.
and the one that grok came up with is at best a special edition, missing out on 80% of what made the era so interesting and cool. Because Parade IS the only true big-star-on-the-scene drenched album ...
RIP to an absolute fantastic musician.The last few weeks have been terrible in the R&B/Soul world.
well... they are simply Auerswald guitars. They're certainly uncommon, but not exclusive to Prince, it's simply a upscale guitar brand. A quick google will show you ...
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And wiser people so full of doubts." (Bertrand Russell 1872-1972) ...
That's a statement that is impossible to debate, and yet the definitive album by The Time is Pandemonium where the band was finally allowed to contribute. It is at least 100 x the album Corporate ...
She passed in a car accident after leaving a show early this morning in Montgomery, AL. Very saddened about this. She and Prince will make some good music in heaven.
One of the greats in my book. RIP and thank you for your gift of music. Donny Hathaway and Roberta are singing again. Growing up in the 70s,I have so many childhood memories of hearing her music ...
I've been thinking about a topic for a while now and I'd be interested in your opinion. First of all, I realize that there are legal pitfalls here, as well as ethical ones. Let's leave these aside for ...
The only copy of Strange Tales From The Rain that seems to be doing the rounds (I found it from 3 different sources) contains the 7'' version of I Would Die 4 U, as opposed to the album version which ...
"Money won't buy U happiness but it'll pay 4 the search." ...