Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD, is President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Thomas was previously the Chair of the CIRM governing Board from June 2011 to March 2023.
Anne-Marrie Duliege, MD, is a Senior Executive and Chief Medical Officer with 30 years of experience guiding biopharmaceutical companies through development and commercial stages. Dr. Duliege is ...
The simple term “stem cell” actually refers to many different types of cells. The tissue-specific stem cells, or adult stem cells, replenish tissues throughout our lives. Embryonic stem cells exist ...
A major challenge in developing stem cell-based cures for disease is maturing those cells into adult cell types that can be used for transplantation or to study human disease. Dr. Mark Mercola has a ...
Earl J. Beadle Productions, Inc. Stem cells have the potential to treat a wide range of diseases, but developing those cures is a process that has many hurdles. Dr. Hans Keirstead has a CIRM grant to ...
Embryonic stem cells have the potential to help treat 70 or more diseases, but developing those new therapies will take time. Alan Lewis is the former president and CEO of Novocell (now ViaCyte), a La ...
Since the last progress report we have confirmed and extrapolated our studies and, as proposed last year, we have identified specific proteins that are secreted by human embryonic stem cells and that ...
We proposed to develop novel, well-defined, synthetic extracellular matrices that support survival and proliferation of human embryonic stem cells. This is an important, unmet need in the field and ...
L'objectif à long terme de notre programme de recherche est la régénération de l'œil malade. La dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge, la rétinopathie diabétique et la rétinite pigmentaire sont les ...
CONTEXTE/OBJECTIF : Le placenta et le chorion humains sont des organes embryonnaires transitoires à croissance rapide, construits à partir de diverses populations cellulaires qui sont soit d'origine ...
Nouveau médecin chercheur universitaire Université de Californie, San Diego Thérapeutiques à base de cellules souches pluripotentes humaines pour la prééclampsie $2,974,750 Nouvelle Faculté II ...
Les cellules mères ont le potentiel de traiter un vaste spectre d'inflammations, y compris le diabète, les affections neurodégénératives, les lésions de la moelle épinière et les affections cardiaques ...