Council and EP reach a provisional agreement on an update of the Driving Licence Directive, introducing an EU-wide digital driving licence by end 2030.
What are tariffs? How do tariffs work? What are trade wars? Do trade agreements lower tariffs? Find all the answers.
The Council adopted an assistance measures worth €20 million under the European Peace Facility in 2025 to support the Armed Forces of Mauritania.
The Council adopted today a regulation on financial benchmarks with the aim of reducing red tape for EU companies, particularly SMEs. Benchmarks are widely used by companies and investors in the EU as ...
The Council has adopted a new law to improve collection of labour market statistics on businesses at EU level.
Cad is taraifí ann? Conas a oibríonn taraifí? Cad iad cogaí trádála? An laghdaítear taraifí le comhaontuithe trádála? Faigh ...
Che cosa sono i dazi? Come funzionano i dazi? Che cosa sono le guerre commerciali? Gli accordi commerciali riducono i dazi? Trova tutte le risposte.
Kaj so tarife? Kako deluje sistem tarif? Kaj so trgovinske vojne? Ali trgovinski sporazumi znižujejo tarife? Tukaj najdete ...
Les droits de douane: qu'est-ce que c'est? Comment fonctionnent les droits de douane? Qu'est-ce qu'une guerre commerciale? Les accords commerciaux font-ils baisser les droits de douane? Trouvez toutes ...
The press briefing ahead of the Environment Council will take place on Tuesday, 25 March at 11.00. These press briefings will be "off the record" and will take place in a hybrid format: EU accredited ...
Wat zijn invoerrechten? Hoe werken invoerrechten? Wat zijn handelsoorlogen? Zorgen handels­overeenkomsten voor lagere invoerrechten? Alle antwoorden hier.
¿Qué son los aranceles? ¿Cómo funcionan los aranceles? ¿Qué son las guerras comerciales? ¿Los acuerdos comerciales reducen los aranceles? Encuentre todas las respuestas.