Here's the second of a five-part series of lessons to guide new aquarists through the basics of fishkeeping. Infectious diseases are those caused by pathogens and parasites, and those are what we ...
Neale Monks offers some advice to a reader whose Kribensis keeps attacking her mate. Q. Four months ago I bought a pair of Kribensis, hoping to breed them. The fish in the shop tank were in pairs, but ...
Central American cichlid expert Juan Miguel Artigas Azas explains how to keep the undescribed Honduran red point, a close relative of the Convict cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Ever since this ...
The National Marine Fisheries Service (Fisheries) has announced that it will review the Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) for potential listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). WildEarth ...
Are fish really cold-blooded animals, or is it more complicated than that? Like reptiles and amphibians, fish are cold-blooded poikilothermous vertebrates —meaning they get their body temperature from ...
A quick look at some of the interesting fish we've seen in the shops recently.
A: Bob replies: Snails can sometimes become a nuisance in tanks, but usually this is the result of another problem. To reach ‘plague’ proportions they need to have a food source, and this is often ...
This amazing aquascape has been set up using only plastic plants. Impressed? Jeremy Gay sings the praises of the Sydeco plastic plant range from Rosewood and organises a step-by-step guide to show ...
Not all of them. Freshwater shrimps are found virtually all over the world, but they are much less diverse than marine species. A small but growing range is becoming available in the aquatic shops now ...
Do you know your Bach from your Stravinsky? It would appear that goldfish do… A new study reveals that goldfish can tell the difference between music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and Igor ...
Ever wondered how you can tell the difference between a Chinese Lionhead and a Japanese Ranchu? Goldfish boffin Paul Green of the Goldfish Society of Great Britain and the Ranchu Brotherhood explains ...