Edelman helped to unveil the “souprise” on Thursday. MINNEAPOLIS: Soup and cough drops are essential tools for anyone battling a cold. So, in a Willy Wonka-esque move, Progresso has merged the two by ...
Brands prioritizing in-person activations in 2025 should put inclusivity and its customers at the forefront, says Allen & Gerritsen’s Caylie Poola. Amidst a global pandemic, brands had no choice but ...
Praytell and YouGov asked U.S. audiences where they get their news and who they actually trust. Spoiler: It’s not who you think. The findings could and should rewrite your playbook — now. The term ...
The hoodie raised $2,400 for the Nashville Humane Association.
Shanelle Matthews, lead communications strategist for Black Lives Matter, tells Dipka Bhambhani about driving conversations from the 'hood to the White House.
PRWeek convenes its editorial team for the first podcast of 2025 to look forward to Feb. 4’s critically important PRDecoded conference where the biggest industry issues will come under the microscope.
Civic groups 'disappointed' after meeting with CEO Marc Zuckerberg as more than 300 companies take part in boycott.
Chief communications officer Kathy Baird said the ‘Post’ is repositioning its PR team to build its “star talent unit” as it pulls back from promoting its journalism across other media.
Thrivers, survivors and 'pinkwashing' dominate October campaigns. What’s missing is education about the disease.
She discusses the main ingredients in the fast-food chain’s transformational, make-or-break refresh.
Specialist NA breweries say they’re getting more media requests than they can handle as consumers, led by Gen Z, cut back on alcohol intake to start 2025.
The media relations platform hired Leiberman for a newly created position to lead membership growth among members of the press.