An independent panel of scientists will look at whether regulations on the acceptable level of potentially harmful chemicals ...
(I)f you are going to act like an animal, I’ll treat you like one,” the Indiana man told the child, prosecutors say.
A report published Tuesday identifies ways historically neglected communities most vulnerable to climate change, like Tome’s, ...
Dentists explain how much is safe to consume for your teeth and how to make your sparkling water habit a little bit healthier ...
Waco City Council members will be asked to approve seeking a $5.7 million grant to pay for a system to reclaim wastewater to ...
The 1,000 miles of waterways of the California Delta surrounds and runs though Stockton and San Joaquin County which makes ...
The water stored between 20 and 22 feet helps supplement Lake Washington Ship Canal inflows during the summer/fall drawdown ...
Just over half the world's population shares a river or lake basin with at least one other country. To sustainably manage ...
The boil water advisory is in effect for all residents who live on Cleveland Ferry Road, Dyar Way, Fendley Lane, Blackston ...
Frustrated by setbacks to codify tougher environmental regulations, advocates and lawmakers are hoping to find success with a ...
The university says the primary boiler was taken offline for repairs, and during the setup of a backup, a mechanical failure ...