Read on for horoscopes for your zodiac sign. Typical Aries dates: March 21 to April 19.
The path ahead is rich with potential, but to fully step into this new chapter, you must ease into it with patience and intentionality. Rushing forward too quickly could burn out the energy ...
Divine inspiration is all around you, beautiful Pisces. You have recently felt plugged back into the universe, which has heightened your spiritual connection with the divine. This knowledge lets ...
Embrace themes of transformation, sweet Aries. You can get stuck thinking you know what is best, especially in terms of the person you should be with. However, this doesn’t mean you will find ...
Mercury, communication and ideas, is linking to dynamic Mars and innovative Uranus. It's time to speak up and speak out! Words are powerful. But they need to be backed by action if they're going ...
Be mindful not to slip into escapist tendencies today. Instead, focus on how you can make small improvements and refinements in your life that allow you to feel more nourished and in tune with ...
This is a great time to confront your career fears head-on and understand how they were formed, which can help unlock a renewed perspective of yourself. When you unpack your fears, you ...
Old relationship wounds may arise today, but they’re not here to hurt you. They’re here to remind you of the lessons they brought into your life. Every relationship teaches us something ...
With the Sun and Pluto (planet of mystery, power and revolution) in visionary Aquarius, we're in an era of transformation. Which, since we like knowing what to expect, might sound a bit scary.
If your heart isn't in your commitments, this is the time to honor your instinctual intelligence. With the Moon being in Sagittarius, we’re much more sensitive to making choices that honor our ...
This is the perfect opportunity to use your voice and be the catalyst for necessary change in your relationships to initiate healing. If you've been keeping things to yourself, this is the time to ...
A wish is your soul guiding you forward, Cancer. It may feel frivolous to make wishes about your life and love, yet this feeling comes deep within your soul. Don’t box yourself in thinking ...