A Dickinson College exhibition of artwork from DePauw University is listed among "42 free things to do this weekend as we turn the clocks back" in the… Studio courses stress the fundamentals of visual ...
Purpose: The objective of the summer research fund is to increase the opportunities for faculty and students to work together on research projects in the summer. The project and the proposal should be ...
Peace and Conflict Studies is a program that brings together a number of academic disciplines that focus on conflict as one of their organizing concepts. Because of its ubiquity and significance in ...
Estimate your eligibility for financial aid. DePauw’s Net Price Calculator can provide an approximation of what a new first-year student might expect to pay to attend DePauw. See how various factors – ...
FAFSA verification is a process required by the U.S. Department of Education to confirm the accuracy of information provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Through this ...
DePauw is home to some of the leading scholars, artists and strategists in their fields. An impressive 99% of all tenure-track faculty hold a Ph.D. or higher, but it is their unwavering dedication to ...
The four-year non-licensure Education Studies program focuses on education as discipline within the liberal arts. Courses in Education Studies investigate topics within the sociology of education, the ...
All international students will be required to submit tax paperwork to DePauw directly, in addition to the requirement that they submit tax paperwork to the United States government (at the state and ...
The academic requirements for cellular and molecular biology making represent a specialized course of study within the larger context of a diverse liberal arts education. Not only are these ...
Our mission is clear: to foster stronger connections and improve the quality of life in our community. Through the Growing Green and Gold Together initiative, we aim to achieve five key goals: 1.
From Homer to Vergil, the Parthenon to the Colosseum, Classical Studies majors and minors study the greatest works of literature and art from the ancient Greek and Roman Worlds. Courses in Classical ...
"There are a lot of people in the media industry from DePauw - even in my friend group." “Coming into school, I don’t know if I knew what I wanted to do. I began as an econ major and was in Management ...