Tis the season for political ads and promises. Typical challenger approach: identify a problem, blame the other party, and ...
I write the following in support of reelecting Congresswoman Jahana Hayes. Often our public officials go about their business ...
To the Editor, I submitted a letter for your August 23rd edition (“Cherish Free And Fair Elections That Are Foundation Of ...
Michelle, Rob and Jahana want to keep our children safe. What would you say about a country that chooses not to protect its ...
State Representatives Mitch Bolinsky (R-106) and Martin Foncello (R-107) will be hosting a Diaper Drive to help Newtown ...
The Newtown Bee is committed to presenting fair, balanced, responsible, engaging, and non-confrontational content we hope ...
Thomas Jefferson secretly supported the formation of a political opposition to the Washington administration. At the time he ...
A new voice in Hartford is what Newtown needs. For too long Newtown has not had a seat at the majority table in Hartford. We ...
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for Michelle Embree Ku, a candidate for the Connecticut State Representative ...
Thank you so much Trinity Episcopal Church community and Reverend Andrea Wyatt for opening your hearts to our congregation, ...
I am ready for a change, and I believe others are, as well. Michelle Embree Ku is running for State Representative of the ...
I am proud to endorse Mitch Bolinsky as Newtown’s State Representative in Hartford. Mitch has the experience that Newtown has ...