What’s up with the invisible John Cena jokes? : r/OutOfTheLoop
Jan 27, 2021 · ANSWER: John Cena, back when he was primarily a pro-wrestler, had a catch phrase of "You can't see me" which he'd use in the ring, sort of to mean "You can't see my attacks coming." Many people joke and take that literally, claiming …
Where does the “John Cena is invisible” meme come from?
Mar 4, 2021 · John cena has a signature called the Five Knuckle Shuffle, where he waves his hand in front of him, with a catchphrase called "You Can't See Me", before he slams his oppenent. It didn't become a meme until a bit earlier, where people found it funny of his catchphrase.
Pls? : r/ExplainTheJoke - Reddit
John Cena’s catchphrase in the WWE was “You can’t see me”, so it has become a joke to pretend that John Cena is completely invisible. The joke here being that they are pretending they can’t see john in the picture, so they pretend to assume the man didn’t take a picture with him
Why is john cena perceived as invisible? : r/NoStupidQuestions
Jul 8, 2021 · The line is accompanied by a gesture in which Cena waves his open hand in front of his face. The catchphrase is meant to indicate that Cena is too quick for his opponents to see his actions coming. Online, however, jokes about the catchphrase involve people joking as though they literally cannot see John Cena.
Que se passe-t-il avec les blagues invisibles de John Cena - Reddit
Jan 27, 2021 · RÉPONSE : John Cena, à l'époque où il était avant tout un lutteur professionnel, avait un slogan "Vous ne pouvez pas me voir" qu'il utilisait sur le ring, en quelque sorte pour signifier "Vous ne pouvez pas voir mes attaques venir".
What is the reference that John Cena can't be seen?
The first time I heard the phrase was in 2Pac's "Hit 'Em Up" in reference to Puffy not being able to see him. John Cena adapted it. What it means according to r/squaredcircle: It's an urban colloquialism meaning you are not up to my level and can not see me on an even playing field in competition because I am better than you.
What's up with John Cena being invisible? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
Jul 11, 2022 · And apparently his time is now. It's the franchise, he is shining now, you can't see him, his time is here.
What's up with the joke about invisible John Cena?
As a form of taunting opponents, John Cena has a signature move in which he waves his hand in front of his face, to imply "you can't see me". It's a little odd and doesn't quite make sense, but it's iconic and wrestling fans associate it with him. It's therefore a common gag to pretend he's literally invisible in photos with his hand in front ...
Can someone explain the John Cena joke here? : …
Mar 22, 2022 · John Cena's catchphrase is "You Can't See Me". It evolved from a stupid dare to a pretty popular saying and meme. Cena fans carry it out to say he's invisible. The joke is that nobody can see Cena. The guy took a picture with Cena, but if you can't see him, then the image looks just like a selfie.
John Cena invisible - Reddit
Posted by u/Epoxhy - 3,765 votes and 131 comments